April Drawings

Every day in April, Art Gallery Serdica will share with you the delicate watercolor drawings by Genoveva Rogova. The day of their publication on the gallery webpage will be the same day on which they were painted in 2012.

In The Dream of the Bees exhibition (February 19 – March 19, 2020), which Genoveva Rogova presented at Art Gallery Serdica, the author called us to scrutinize the beauty of the plants around us. In her devotion to recreate the grace of nature, she dedicates a whole year and paints one plant every day. By capturing moments from the cyclic nature, the watercolor drawings bring tenderness and beauty.

By “April Drawings” we would like to make you happy and bring a little beauty to everyday life. On April 30, the whole series of drawings will be complete, symbolizing the spring month including its holidays. Until then, we hope you enjoy them every day.






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