Project organized by CESURALAB’s photographers.

Cesuralab was founded in 20087 from independent Italian photographers including Magnum photographer Alex Majoli. Their focus is the creation of unique photo projects.

The idea is photographers from the team to travel to different cities and spend some time there – to get a feeling of the place, to observe it, to shoot it and to show it in an exhibition on the last day of their stay.

In Sofia is the third edition of this project after Palermo and Moscow.

Together with FotoFabrika, the photographers: Alex Zobolo, Arianna Arcara, Stefania di Bosso and Teresa da Carabanare, are touring Sofia, documenting our everyday life for 10 days.

The result of the experiment could be seen at Art Gallery Serdica and the nearby streets in the area of the Women’s Market.

The opening is on May 21 at 18:30.

The exhibition will be exposed until June 4th.

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